Monday, February 15, 2010
Me "Fifi Sta Maria"
Dearest Syamsiah

Dear Bloggy,
Sorry for not updating this blog for a long time as I'm busy with school work and stuff. Gonna tell you that I enjoy school alot even though my school is really far. Now, The whole nursing group of year 2 known me well and they start calling me the "6th sense" boy. Thanks to Ms Govri. It seems that this year really gone so fast as it left about 1 month to leave my classmate to proceed to attachment. There's alot of things that happened this term. I also can't believe that I passed both of my phase test, biological test and gerontological test. There's also merit award that I gonna get in a few months time as I got the top 25% in the nursing group. Wooohooo.
I also made some new friends from the year 1 nursing student and also the nursing student that come from Australia for attachment. All of them are really a great people and should be recommended to be friend with. Now my Australian friend (Andy, Sharon, Neil & Kimberly) have gone back and gonna miss them alot. Their joke & attitude are way different than us in singapore.
Today, by right my dearest and me going out but than it end up just a meeting at the park. I got her a Famous Amous Cookies for valentine's. By right it should be celebrated yesterday but we celebrate it today for some reason. The whole 30 minutes meet up is really great. She appear from no where with a beautiful clothes she wore. I can't stop staring at her till she call me a Waacko boy, Psycho Boy & Crazy boy. Got a little chat with her and got a @#%&*$!@*@#^*&^%$#@ from her. hehehe. (You know, I know). Her mom also gave me a present and that is a "G Shock watch". Thanks mother in law. After that, she going out with her best friend so she and her friend sent me to station but before she leave she gave me a @#$^*^%# and than she's gone. Hehehe.
That's all I guess.
~Fifi Sta Maria~Labels: Wonderful day with dearest
@ 7:53 PM