Friday, January 22, 2010
Fiddy Bluestar
Best friend for life.

Best Buddies in class
Hey Readers,Woooooooo, My blog is full with alot of thick dust as I never update it for so long. Umm school officially opened and the first thing that i will asked myself is
"Who is my class advisor?", What time can I go home?". There are a total of 3 days that my class end at 6pm and the earliest is 3pm. Thank God, my classmate have changed alot but the negative part about them is still there. Actually, There isn't anytime to rest anymore for the 2.1 as every weeks there's a class test and even exams. Luckily, my phase test
(Insulin Injection) have already doned and I got "A" for the test. Wooohoooo. I also glad that i managed to run away from class to help my dearest syamsiah to passed her phase test. Now, currently focus on to biological test and can't wait to study with dearest tomorrow. Hehehe. I think till here and sorry if my story is so short and I will be back another one month. Thanks readers for keeping viewing my blog. Hahaha.
~Fiddy Bluestar~
Labels: Time For Miracle
@ 10:19 PM
Friday, January 1, 2010
Great things that Happened in 2009Attached to my wonderful and caring girlfriend named Nur Syamsiah Binte Badis on 08/06/09.
Great classmate "JN0901F"
Alexandra Group 1
The first female contestant to be in the Singapore Idol finale
The 3rd Malay male to win the Singapore Idol
Saddest things happened on 2009Michael Jackson R.I.P on 25/6/2009
The "REV" or Jimmy Owen Sullivan R.I.P on 12/29/2009 @ 0522hr
Hey Peeps,As you see all the picture above, that is the memorable things that happened in 2009. There's alot of great and saddest things happened in 2009. Let's start the story with greatest things that happened in 2009. In 2009, I seriously can't believe that I got into nursing course and I keep on thinked that this is a dream but indeed its real. Actually, the day that I went for my nursing interview, I have already met my dearest Syamsiah but than on that day I accidentally scold her. I am too angry as the interviewer asked nonsense question to me so after interview i went out and wanna share my feelings to my friend but accidentally scold the wrong person and that is my dearest. Hehehe. But after I realise it I say sorry and quickly walked away. Hehehe. Paisey2. The next day I got to know that I have passed my interview and got into that course. My 1st day of school, I saw dearest and I was like wtf she got in. There's also a day that both of us stuck under the train track at simei because of the heavy rain. I had a little chat with her and quickly run away. Hahaha Blahblahblah, my 1st attachment is at Alexandra Hospital and I got to know that she is in the same hospital and same group as me. OMG, but after a few weeks I know her better and we became close friend. After a few weeks in medical ward we attached without others knowing but at last the whole ward knows including the nurses there. Seriously, before we are attached together we use to see each other alot of time and it is like a dream come true that I got her as my girlfriend. She have been a wonderful and caring girlfriend that I had. I love you so much Syamsiah.
JN0901F also have been a wonderful class with alot of caring and friendly students. I am pround to be in the
"FANTASTIC" class. This class have too much memories especially when we went out for chalet last march holiday. Although, the chalet is small but the fun and excitement that we all have is incredible. I hope this year we organise another chalet before we separated the next year.Attachment stories, My attachment group
"Alexandra Group 1" is the best with alot of jokers like shobana, yacob, shariff and many more. Like what I say earlier on, my dearest is on my group and I enjoy it alot. Hehehe. Unfortunately, we got separated to different ward for the whole 2nd posting. Hais. We have been together since 08/06/09 @ 1623hr. We have been going out alot of time including going out with her parent to night safari. Lucky, her mom and her brothers accept me for who I am and I happy with it. Hehehe.
All the Singaporean knows who's the Singapore Idol champ this year right. Yeah, Sezairi Sezali won it after beating Sylvia Ratonel to crowd the third Malay male idol in Singapore. Indeed, both of them are great just that Sezairi os vocally great. Actually, I vote for Sylvia Ratonel as her voice is so great but Sezairi sang better in the song called "Touched by an Angel". A few days after the Idols end, many people start to insult Sezairi and the Malay community in Singapore. Pity Sezairi for getting insult in the news and etc. We Singaporean shouldn't be racist in the way that don't appreciate the other race to won the idol. We should be glad that in Singapore there is a talented young men such as Sezairi, Taufik and Hady.
Now I going to share the saddest story in 2009. The whole world shake after heard the news about Michael Jackson death. The day where I got to know he dead, I feel shocked and keep on doing research about him and his song. Feels so sad yaw as he is my Idol since I'm in primary 1. I always tell my mom that I wanna be like him but the day that he's gone, I'm just speechless. The other sad things that happened recently is that my all time favourite band Avenged Sevenfold(A7X) have dead. Not that all the member are dead but the key member of the band is dead and that is
"The REV". He is the drummer, composer, joker and the brother of A7X and now he's gone. He is so called the important member of the band as without him the band is nothing. This is my first time cry for the person who is dead and that is The REV. I will always admired him even though he's gone. ILY REV.
Looking foward in 2010.....Till here
~Fifi Sta Maria~Labels: 2009 end
@ 11:49 PM