Friday, December 25, 2009
"The Pathetic Five from JN0901F"
Current Feelings towards dearest.
Grade for year 1.
Hey readers,First of all, I wanna wish a Happy Merry Christmas to all my friends that celebrate it and hope you all be safe in this festive season. Let's start the story about my 3 weeks holiday. A few days ago, I went out with my classmate JN0901F and among the 40 people in my class only 5 go. Next time don't invite me if only 5 people go, it is so dissapointed yaw coming back from overseas to meet u guys but only 5 people came. Result is out and I got B and a GPA of 3.0 in total. I think I need to worked hard to archieve my goal to become a staff nurse.
Now, I currently in pain as my left leg still injured after the last soccer match i played. It so hard to ambulate myself as it is really pain and hurt. Yesterday night, I dreamed about my dearest Syamsiah and I really miss her so much. It have been a week I never contact her and I hope I could call her right now. Syg, if u read this, I just wanna let u know that I really miss you alot till you appear in my dream yesterday. I syg u syamsiah and I really do. Btw, Thanks Shobana for helping me msg dearest. I really owe u one. hahaha.
K till here
~Fifi Sta Maria~Labels: I miss you syg
@ 6:57 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fifi Sta Maria

Sygku Syamsiah
My attachment friend. (In cartoon version that I drawn)
Hey Peoples,I fine that 1.2 clinical attachment finished very fast and currently bored doing nothing at home. I really miss doing worked in the ward and I hope i could finished this course A.S.A.P so that I could start working as a Assistant Nurse. But if I got a chance to take paramedic or Diploma in nursing, I will, or else I will continue to become an Assistant Nurse. Before Clinical Posting ended, I had drawn something for my clinical posting lecturer (Picture above). She had been a great lecturer and have help us alot even our personal problem. Alexandra group 1 will always remember u forever.
Now, holiday start and I also got my salary for working at medical ward. Unfortunately, the girls have not got theirs but nvm I know that they could wait for it. I gave 1/2 of my salary to my parent and sibling so I just left another 1/2 to save. Btw, yesterday I had a wonderful time with dearest Syamsiah and her friend. Actually, I wanna bring her out for dinner but end up lepak with dearest and friends. The thing that make me enjoy is went my dearest is on my side, holding me and kissing me. Dearest and I also act up to become a 7 years old kids that wanna to learned about sex and fucking. The lecturer is her friend and seriously we enjoy the whole night. After lepak, sent dearest home and reached home talked to dearest on phone. I gonna miss her from now till christmas and I can't tell u the reason why.
Today, wake up at 6.30am as I got Bridge leader meeting. Actually, I don't want to go as I scared that the member is arrogant but I forced myself to go. Reached school about 9.30am and we are totally late because of shobana. Hahaha. Went I had a look at the member they looked really quiet and I was like gonna be the worse day ever. Not long we play game and from there I met alot of new friend such as, Yasser, Fadhullah, Reza, Natasha, Syafika and many more. Now than I realise that Bridge leader is super best and I don't regret joining it. Now, I can't wait to become a senior to incharge of all the student.
Till here
I Love my girldfriend alot. Hehehe...~Fifi Remundo~Labels: Wo Ai Ni Syamsiah
@ 6:54 PM