Friday, August 28, 2009
Nerdy Nurse
Hey readers,
Currently cleaning off the dust that is at my blog right now. Standard uh this week schooling and some more I am fasting. As usual, I go school with my dearest Syamsiah and I'm lovin it. hehehe. Last wednesday, got behavioural science test and I thinked I can't make it as some of the question I did anyhow. After test, my dearest was call out by miss Rafiqah and luckily she did not get 0 for the test. Btw, she really look cute went she clip her hair but just that she don't like it as it look like small kid. hahaha. Last thursday, I break fast with Hafizan and Daffy at Jurong point and I swear hafizan is the joker of the day. Today friday, do my presentation and after that go geylang serai with Ahmad as I want to buy something. Walked around Geylang serai really make me thirsty but I can control myself not to drink. hehehe. After buy all the things, board the train at Paya lebar station and straight away go home.
Sorry, I am tired.
~Fifi Remundo~Labels: PilihPilih Pilih 3 $10
@ 8:20 PM
Friday, August 21, 2009
Memorable Hari Raya
Hey readers,
I'm so tired to go school every single day as I need to wake up @ 5am in the morning but in the other way I'm still happy as I got to see my dearest face everyday. Really sick with school works such as PBL (Problem Base Learning), upcoming Behavioural Science test 2 and Exams. I think by the end of the modules I will get 'shock'. I really feel sick with some of my classmate as they always put the blame on others and I really pity Miss Catherine. Today morning, go school with dearest and some of her friends such as Yacob, Wahda, Zul and etc. Reached school, put bag inside locker and proceed to class. I really glad to have friends like Sreenath and Ahmad as they really help me alot today. First lesson, project management and guess what Khairul my brother is back. Standard uh, that lesson do nothing and my group do the presentation about the slides and the video. Wooohoooo, my classmate pause that video went I got caught by the police and they laugh out loud. Lesson end so we go to the other room for our practical lesson and standard uh PBL again. Blahblahblah, 12pm so go home and prepare to go out with dearest at 6.00pm.
Reached home, eat something and sleep till 5pm. Gosh, I'm late so quickly touch up and meet her at jurong point. Actually, plan to watch movie but than we decided not to so both of us went to banquet as dearest want to break fast. Actually, I feel happy and satisfied with today outing as she is happy for the whole day. The weirdest things that happened is that she sent me home cause she don't want me to sent her home. Since tomorrow is fasting month so today we do something before fasting start. After that, met my ex classmate under my block so we lepak @ Pionner mall and we drink Naughty G that contains Horny goat weed. Hahaha. This is all Suren idea and till now I don't feel horny. Reached home, had my cold bath and currently updating my blog as Atikah asked me to. hahahaa.
To my ex classmate,
This year hari Raye will u all go out or not?K till here
~Fifi Remundo~Labels: Rolling Rolling sampai perut boncet.
@ 11:38 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fifi Remundo
UP really great.

Hey readers,
Today I'm so happy as I'm not sick anymore, maybe it's because of seeing dearest yesterday that's why I feels better today. Today, my small sister and I went to golden village (jurong point) to watch a movie called UP!. The show is so funny till I laugh out loud but half way I slept as I'm too tired. Hehehe. After movie, go home and waited for anyone to call. Actually, I tried to call dearest and others but I can't get through as I thought that my pp8 was too low. Not long dearest msg me so I decided to call her instead of msging her. Huhu, halfway talk got interruption from my family so I decided to continue after my room was cleared. Continue calling at about 11.30pm but halfway my pp8 left $0.00. Arhhh!!!. Luckily, my sister lent me her hp for awhile to msg her. Managed to talk a little bit bt not much and not long my sister wants back her hp. Umm, I'm bored and I really miss my dearest alot. Hehehe.
What I want from dearest???
~I want to be with her forever.
~I want her to stay cute forever.
~I want to be in the same class as her.
~I always want her to be happy, I really love her smile.
~It feels like heaven went she rest her head on my shoulder.
~I want to talk to her on the phone every nights. hehehe.
~I want to worked with her in the same ward and in the same cubicle if possible in the future. hehehe.
Once again happy 2nd month and 1 day anniversary sygku.
till here
~Fifi Remundo~
Labels: Rainbow.
@ 12:30 AM
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Khai, Wahda and Me(Fifi)
Hey readers,
Since a long time, this blog have not update yet so I gonna clean up the dust by updating it. Last Friday, my ex-classmate went to BLSS back to see carnival and etc. Actually, they invited me to come but than I don't want as I got no heart to enter that school(BLSS) again cause I hate that security guard and I rather go to school(ITE simei) to study than waste my precious time at there. I heard that they had alot of fun there but nvm I will still going back there to meet Mdm Suziela if only it is possible. Hahaha. At 4pm, play soccer with my ex classmate and yeah it's great but than I need to rest as I got alot of thing to do the next day.
Today morning, I went for my NFA training at Jln besar stadium. It have been a long time meeting up my NFA friends and standard uh they miss me. Tired sia, doing exercise and play monkey with them. hahaha. At 2pm, I board a train from Lavender station to Dover station for my soccer match again Jurong secondary school team. Wooohooo, Amin was there and comferm I can worked out with him. On that match, Amin score a total of 5 goal and rizal score only 1 goal. The scoreline is 6-5 and that's mean we won. Hahaha. Actually, my leg injured after that 3 boys tackle on my left leg. After match go home alone and get prepared to meet up dearest. Today is our 2nd month anniversary so I decided to prank on her. When she come, I really shocked as she looked so adorable and beautiful till I forget what is the thing that I wanna to prank on her. I only managed to looked so sad and act like there is a problem but after that I cut off my crap and said Happy 2nd month anniversary. Hehehehe. Blahblahblah, lepak under her block and wooohooo I can't tell you what we do.-___-.
K I'm tired so till here uh.
~Fifi Remundo~
Labels: Happy Birthday singapore.
@ 11:31 PM