Sunday, July 26, 2009
Picture of the Day

Arsenal training jersey.
Real Madrid third jersey.
Hey Hello!!!,
Last Friday, Going to fetch dearest but than I forgotten to bring my ez-link card so need to walk back from Pioneer station to my house. I know that I gonna be late so I msg dearest that I will be a little bit late. Went back to Pioneer station and board the upcoming train. Reached Simei, I saw dearest so we make our move to Burger King @ East Point. Discuss about something and standard uh got some jokes to share with. After that sent her home and continue with my journey back home. Reached home, fell asleep and not long Alfaiz msg asked to play soccer. Actually, I don't want but the sake of my friend, I wash up and meet them at Badminton court. Play afew soccer match with them and not long Adi, Irwan, Haidee and the other guy from Boon Lay Secondary come so just lepak2 with them. After they gone, we also make our way to Pioneer mall to have a drink. Blahblahblah, Arina from Boon Lay secondary school came follow by Daffy who come afew minutes later. Left only me, Shahdam, Alfaiz, Daffy and Arina so we decided to lepak at the playground under my block. Hahaha, I can't believe that Arina believe that a cigarette fall from the sky. Not long dad call and asked me to follow him to my mom's friend house to take something. After follow my dad, I felt so tired to continue lepak so I go home and rest.
Wooohoooo Saturday, I make my first ever appearance in a soccer match with NFA. Actually, I am so nervous as it is my first time but than I help NFA to score the first goal of the team. My coach actually put me to play for only first half but after the goal he asked me to play the full match. K, we dominated the game again with Faris wonderful goal and that make the final result 2-0. After that inside the locker room, I got a fight with this new comer. He was like wtf sia as he did not get a chance to score a goal. Too Bad uh brother is my luck sia. After changing, go mkn with teammate and than proceed to makansutra to meet my JN0901F as we are going Shisha. Everyone thought that I got swine flu sia as I did not come to school for 3 know I know. After that see some firework and proceed to Arab street. Khai order strawberry Sisha and it taste really great yaw. Actually, what Alfaiz say is right. Shisha is not good but nvm ts still taste great yaw. Khai and Ahmad are so stubborn till we almost miss out the last train. Lucky me that my train do not need to change like what Khai and Ahmad do. While inside the train, I saw Miss Doris Ho (My ex secondary school principal) but we did not talk as she look really tired. Reached Dover station, the train can't open the door and we waited for almost half and hour. Blahblahblah, reached home at 1am in the morning and take my cold shower and sleep.
More picture will be uploaded after I get all the picture from Syafiqah and Monica. Bye2~Fifi Remundo~Labels: Get well soon eh sygku.
@ 1:15 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I hope "The Xtreme X" could be like them (The changcuters)
Hey Readers,
Schooling seems to be very fun with my awesome classmate by my side. Standard uh, F class always fantastic as we play soccer together last Monday. My class conquer the whole field for just a soccer match and guess what, there are alot of drama inside the field while the game is on. About less than 5 minutes, Kartika got shot on her head and that make the match stop for while. After she recover, we continue the match and not long I shot a ball very hard till hit Syafiq forehead. It really shocked me as there are alot of blood on his forehead so once again the match stop for awhile. We decided to bring out Syafiq and continue with the match. Once again the match stop as Faiz leg cramp and for that we call off the match. hahaha.
The next day, I waited for dearest at simei MRT station and than we walked to school. Dearest looked sick as she cough alot of time so I gave her some sweet to eat but unfortunately halfway walking towards school it drop. She looked so sad but than I just make her happy with my silly jokes. Reached school, we separate ourself but end up meeting each other again at the locker. Hahaha. After that, went for my behaviour science class and I laugh my ass out after seeing Syafiq forehead. He got 2 Tiam on his forehead and that really looked like a gangster. Hahahaha. Anyway thanks to me for making his forehead like that. In clinical nursing class, my group looked so sleepy so I help all of them to do the group worked. After that 2 hours break, thanks to syafiq for showing us the cheapest chicken rice stall. Buy chicken rice already, we ate at one of the block in simei. After that, went back to school and got a news that sreenath got sent back home. pity him. hahaha. Blahblahblah, than stay at school doing self study than go home.
Wednesday, I feel kinda sick so I decided not to come to school. I really can't take it anymore so I visit the doctor and guess what the doctor gave me 3 days MC. Crapp, I miss out alot of things and mostly spending my time with my dearest. Hahahha. Nvm, this Friday going out for lunch with her and pity her she sick too. K actually nothing to do also but today I feel much better after taking 4 tablet of panadol so I went out to meet up my friends and etc. Today, I went to Jurong point to buy my nursing scissor and magazine. Mom call as she asked to buy eye liner at chameleon so I went there to buy it. I seriously not sure on which eye liner she wants and the person beside me looked familiar but than I continue talk to my mom on the phone. The person beside me suddenly move back after seeing my face and she was like pulling someone else behind of me. Suddenly, went I turned back it is Niya and Sulastri (My dearest classmate). I did not managed to talk to them actually as I'm busily on the phone with my mom. After shopping, go home, watch tv and eat. Currently waiting for tomorrow as I can't wait to meet up my dearest.
Where have The Xtreme X go???
We need to go jamming again yaw???
K bye2
~Fifi Remundo~Labels: Pyrexia
@ 10:44 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fifi Remundo
JN0901F rocks
Hey readersI wanna share some of my feeling such as happiness, sadness and disappointed for this week. Happiness - Now, I really enjoy schooling as I'm getting closer with my classmates. Last Monday, I share some of my ghost story that I encounter at the hospital with the whole class and I'm glad that Alexandra Hospital student is the best among the other student. They really cool and I will always remember about the day that we play soccer at the field together. I want to admit that JN0901F are really good in playing soccer (including the girls) and I really proud to enter this class.
Last Thursday, JN0901F(My class) vs (Shariff class) JN0901A in a soccer match. We lost 5-2 but I still happy as the 2 goal was score by me. My classmate that playing still happy although we lost as they learned alot of valuable skills from their class. That class really great and we are looking forward to against that class again and JN0901E(My dearest class). Great news, today meet dearest and we went for our dinner together at LJS. Woooohoooo, she so cute, adorable, kind and for that I love her so much. Hehehe.
- This week I also feel so sad as I did not talk alot with dearest at school as there is a reason behind it. We are not fighting actually but we are just wanna to keep a very low profile between my class and hers but eventually her classmate know about us but not my classmate. I also feel so sad for not going to school with her and went back home with her. I felt like a useless guy but what to do I need to sacrifice something between us.
I also gained weight after school reopen and I think it because of over fluid. I drank more than 3 litres a day and according to tabner its really bad for me. My left-over salary money also haven't out yet and it really feels so sad as I need money right now. The student in the other school always look down on a guy nurse as they thought that it is so girlish and that really hurt but I still stay strong as I know in the hospital they need guys for assistant not only girls.
- I really disappointed with some of my classmate as they like to insult peoples behind their back. This is so childish and if you are a guy talk infont of us not at our back (I'm sorry to say this but you are coward). Secondly, the class is so noisy in behaviour science, project Management and for that I can't cope up with the things that to be done.
I also feel dissapointed to the person that I regard them as my siblings (My ex-classmate).
Why did no one helped me went the police sounded me?.
Everyone knows that I did nothing and why did no one admit to the police that I am innocent?.
Why no one admit to the police that they are the one who litter?.
I thought that we are friend, where are you guys went I need your help?.
I know the police take my particular because I am so sarcastic and also the place that we lepak is at my block but you can still help me what. I'm at there trying to fight for my right but no one there to support me and for that the policeman take advantage over me. If you guys realise this,while I'm talking back to the policeman, he suddenly wanna to raise up his fist and punch my face. But went I looked at you guys, I know you won't help me so I stop fighting back words and for that I lost although I'm innocence. After that police gone, I just act normal with you guys but deep inside me I'm disappointed with each one of you.
Thanks friends
~Fifi Remundo~
Labels: My clean mark become dark.
@ 10:48 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fifi Remundo
My gangster friends
Syafiq (Fashion designer)
Khairul (My bestfriend, locker friend, sits beside me in class and many more)
Birthday boy.
Cutting cake time.
JN0901F rocks
So called my second family

Hey friends,
On Monday, school reopen and I lovin it as I can't wait to meet my classmate back. I board the train from Pionner station and stop at Commonwealth station as I going to school with her. K inside train we talk2 and yeah my CP classmate was inside there so just talk for awhile. Reached school, saw khairul so lepak at cafe 1 till 07.45 than we went up to MLT. Wooohoooo, I'm so hungry and guess what inside MLT I ate 1 burger and all my friend was like wtf. I share some of it with faridah as she also hungry. Blahblahblah, got Behaviour science and I continue eating that burger but this time share with a group of my classmate. Hehehe. K on that day we got relise early as no S&W so I go home and get ready for tommorow lesson.
Tuesday, nothing much Behaviour science again but we do nothing as we don't have the password for E-learning so we sit and chit chat. Next is Clinical Nursing and we take down some valuable notes about our new chapters. Guess what, 2 hours break after that and continue with Practical class. Woooohooo, bad luck struck on me that day as my unifrom dirty due to the cheese from khairul hotdog. On practical class also bad luck happened again as the water spills on my pants. Haiz. 2 hours of practical class is so fast and after this is Project Management. In that lesson we just listen to teachers and do nothing than after that we go home.
Wednesday, first lesson is Project Management and Haizum came out with a good idea. Instead of copying notes, why not we just take the picture of it using our handphone. Hahaha. Everyone in my class do it and after that we took picture together. K Clinical Nursing theory lesson and copying notes again for 2 hours. after that break for an hour and proceed to MLT for our behaviour science combined lecture. Guess what, I'm thirsty so I grab a pepsi and drink inside the MLT. Wooohooo power. After this is practical lesson and we just do some worked and than go home.
Thursday,I started to miss my dearest as she did not come since last tuesday as she got hand injury but I still need to be strong. K starting of the day is 2 hr of theory lesson and standard uh copying notes. After that is our 2 hours break so I, ahmad, Khairul, Nabil and Sreenath went to east point to eat. After that we had a small fight inside the school lift with the year 2 student as they are so arrogant. Blahblahblah, back to school and continue with practical lesson. K I really enjoy the lesson now as it getting more intresting. After that go home and sleep.
Friday, got Project management and the lesson change to a arts and taking picture lesson. hahahaa. After that got Practical lesson and we learned alot of the things about NGT. Wooohoooo, I can't wait for the exams actually. 12pm already so I change and celebrate fendy 17th birthday and than eat at cafe 1. Yeah saw dearest so I suprise her but I did not sit beside her as the table was occupied. I got soccer match after that but I decided not to go as daffy needs my help so travel back to Boon Lay station and help him. Blahblahblah, meet up the rest and continue play soccer. At 7pm, meet dearest at commonwealth and we ate at long john silver. Woohooo, she so cute uh and I really love her so much. After that go back to Jurong and meet up my friends again. Blahblahblah, go home and online.Thank you.
~Fifi Remundo~
Labels: JN0901F Rocks.
@ 3:59 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fifi Remundo
Drag Me To Hell
Dedicated to the person who owe loan shark readers,Last Thursday is my second outing with dearest Syamsiah. It supposed to be our CP outing but everyone got their own reason so it just me and my dearest going out. Actually, I'm not sure where to go but than I just bring her to Marina to watch movie and etc. She choose to watch 'Drag Me To hell' so I buy a ticket to watch at 4.30pm. It's still too early so we walk around and I bring her to one corner to wear a necklace that I've bought for her. Thanks God, she happy with that necklace so we go MacDonald and buy ice cream to eat. It is 4.20pm so we went up and grab some snacks for the movie. Wow, guess what both of us get the sits for the couple inside the theater
(You know, I know). Overall, that show really scary and funny in the same time. After that show, we walk towards the merlion park and share some story with each other than I sent her home.
Yesterday, Daffy plans to play soccer at badminton court and yeah everyone comes accept Luqman. It's really fun actually cause it have been a long time I am not with them. After we play soccer, all of them lepak under my block and thanks friends for teaching me playing the game called 'Murderer'. We play that game till we are tired and than we go home. Reached home, msg dearest till I'm asleep. Today, the whole day I'm at home as I'm too tired. Actually, got soccer match with Shariff and his friends but I am too tired to play (Sorry Shariff). In the afternoon got soccer training with Faiz team and also I did not attend as too tired. Actually, I planning to go out from that team as I got a greater offer to join the National team. I'm really sorry friend and faiz do pass my number 7 jersey to anyone who want that number. Its not that I'm too strong for you guys but it just that this kind of offer will only comes once in my life. Tmrw help dad go geylang and buy some groceries and start to pack up as I'm going to school back. Weeeeepeeeeeeee.
K till here
Fifi RemundoLabels: I miss you syg.
@ 9:27 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Friends Attitudes.
I will put my friends name in the following Characters. It have been a long time I that I've been observe on your character.Rappers - Ya'qubFashion - SyawaniDrunks - Huang Guorui
Talkative - Shahdam
Emo - Faiz Iskandar
In Love - SyafiqahArtist -
Asrul/LuqmanSpiritual - Muhd HidafiSerious - Ahmad NaqibSleepy - Fifi suhaidahFunny - ShobanaStudious - SalsiahCool - KhairulViolent - Nur DiyanaCrazy - Zul Rarely - Muhd Firdaus (That's Me)Pretty - Nur SyamsiahAir Head - NadiaSimple - Luqmanul HakimSporty - Muhd FaizMusician - Elijah immanual JuniorRockers - AidilHyperactive - KelvinSingers - Mohd HafizanSkaters - SyazwanBajitos - FarhanahHigh - SreenathProud - MariaHey readers,Yesterday, I've got my hospital salary and I spent the whole day shopping at Jurong Point. Guess what, I've found one bag that is so cool at 77th street and I'm thinking of buying it next week. Dad gave me $50 to spent so I spent it on perfume, shirts and etc since there is a 20% off in all the shop. Actually, dearest Syamsiah want to follow but I'm worried as she is still sick so I asked her to just stay home. After shopping, withdraw $100 and gave it to my mom and dad. This is the first time I see my dad kiss the money that I gave to him. Both of them seems to be so happy but what to do that is my responsibility as a child. I will never ever forget to give some of my money to my parents.
Today, woke up late and did not attend for the Bridge leader meeting. Also, the outing with CP classmate is cancel due to some reason but its okay as I and Syamsiah will be going out together. I prepared all my shirt, pants and everything for tomorrow outings. It gonna be the best outing ever as I got my dearest on my side. Now currently doing nothing as I can't msg her due to some reason. My pick A is half dead and I'm thinking of fixing it this weekend. Hope it will be alright as I miss playing with it. Also my soccer boot is dead and I wonder if that new soccer boot can be worn this friday as I've got a match.
K till here~Fifi Remundo~Labels: Kau ada Dia
@ 10:11 PM