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Saturday, May 30, 2009
This is what I caught.

Manpuku = Man puki.

Bossinistyle = Boss ini style.

Zeal = Sial!!!

Isetan = I setan

Hey readers,

This week was so tiring with alot of unfinish work to be done inside the ward. Make it short, I got to know some new staff at that ward and we are like close friends. There's really plenty of work till I went for my break a little bit late. Standard uh, I love to disturb some of my friends and even joke around with the patient. It is just like my daily routine of doing that to my friend and the patients. I don't know how to said but this feeling came back to me again. I currently fell in love with someone but I just can't do it now as I scared to fall in love again. Yeah, maybe its not the time yet to do it.

Saturday, Shobana, Yacub and I went for our make up lesson and yeah got alot of work sia. I bath around 6 patients today and yeah I got a compliment from a relative of one patient. This is how the conversation goes:

Patients Relative: Good morning nurse.
Me: Good Morning.
Patients Relative: You are a great nurse that I ever seen before.
Me: Really!!! No lah. I'm just a normal nurse.
Patients Relative: From what I see, you really care about the patients than urself.
Me: Yeah!!! It is my responsibility to do it to my lovely patient.
Patients Relative: Ouh good, I wish you will become a doctor one day.
Me: Thanks, May God will.

Wooohooooo, I really feel proud after she said that to me...(Kembang2). Seriously, I really love to make my patients feel comfortable if not I feel like not doing job. Sometimes, I even dare to stay a little bit late just to finished up all the work in my cubicle. I also heard a story from my fellow friend that at about 8.15-8.30pm the toilet callbell will alarm itself but I don't trust such thing at first. But it really happened sia and I'm the one who answer it but there is no one inside the toilet.(Seram siol!!!). Seriously, I also saw something inside the staff room and at my cubicle that I'm working. Even there got one patient said to me that behind me got 2 people standing but went I turned there got nothing. Aiyo!!!, Scary lah but nvm I try my best not to think about that anymore.

After work, I change to my uniform and meet up Luqman and Daffy at queensway shopping centre. Eat at macdonald and than we walk around there and than we went to Tampines 1 as Luqman wanna to survey somethings. Aiya, I admire one of this sleeveless Parka at there and I am thinking of buying it this upcoming friday...(CRAVING!!!). After that, we walk around the nearest shopping mall than we went back to jurong point. Luqman bought a cheap slipper at jurong point area and I also want that..hahahah..(CRAVING!!!). After that, the 3 of us buy ice cream and than we went home.

~Upcoming plans~

1) 5/6/2009 - I will be playing for the Alexandra hospital soccer team against the Doctor Soccer team at the Alexandra hospital Field.
-After that went shopping to buy that Parka.
2)6/6/2009 - In the morning have a soccer match against Fizan cousins team
-In the afternoon, have a soccer match against Yuhua secondary scool.

3)13/6/2009 - I heard that my ex classmate organise an outing to Sentosa and for that I not sure.

4) 26/7/2009 - I will be watching Singapore vs Liverpool at the National Stadium.

K till here.

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 9:31 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Peter Parker (It's me)

Mary Jane Watson (She's Mine)

My greatest enermy

Green Goblin

Dr Octavius

Heyoooooo Reaaaaaader's,

This week kinda busy and also tiring as I need to work on Saturday. Wow, I got 4 morning shift in this week and that is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. It's really not that easy to wake up that early to come to work but nvm it is still for my own good as I need to trained for NS (National Service). I always come early to worked at about 5.55am in the morning. The lift at that lobby is so scary and I always saw something at there like(Eg. People beside me, ghost and even small children). It not only happened at the lift but also inside the staff room too. It really getting pissed off and I really feel very hard to get out from that room as too scared. Many people said that Alexandra hospital is haunted but I don't trust till I experienced it by myself. In my ward, It really pack with work and stuff but nvm I really love my patient so much. I always treat them like my fellow relative and they was very happy went I help them. There are alot of patient that I care have discharge and they always give me support in my life.~Thank You~. Otw back home, I took a train from commonwealth station and there was a incident happened inside the train. There is one man standing infront of me and he suddenly drop and he was like gasping for air. Everyone gather around him and try to help but he fainted on the spot. I quickly came up to him and give CPR as I know the proper way of doing it. After 3 rounds of CPR than he woke up with a shocked face. So I just gave him his inhaler that is at his bag and he was back to normal. After he alighted at Chinese garden, Everyone in the train was like looked at me as if I am a stranger but serious talking I do not need any claps from you guys. Continue story, Tomorrow I got afternoon shift so I can sleep late today and watch Manchester United VS Barcelona F.C.

Till here.

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 9:26 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Taylor swift

Well hello there,

Today morning, My dad and I went to blk 825 area there as there is a carnival. The purpose of going there is because my small sister is there doing some work. Wow, the carnival was pack with humans and I really respect the dance troop from Juying Secondary School. Their dance is so creative and yeah u should watched it. After that, my dad and I went to the cemetery to just look around. Walauwei, I can't believe my eyes, the foreign workers stayed at the cemetery area there (Comferm seram sey). Blahblahblah, both of us went to Sheng siong to help mom to buy some stuff and than we go home. K tomorrow work and yeah friends I will be working on Saturday too so any plan after 3pm k. K bye2 yaw.

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 4:42 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009
The person on the left side looks like Mdm Rohimah from BLSS

Hey readers,

3 weeks holiday really bored as I did almost the same things everyday such as going to the gym and soccer match. I really proud to played with the home united youngster in the Asian Football Confederation Cup as a substitute player. I got to play at the 67th minutes and guess what I scored 2 goals to qualified to the next round of the tournament. Wooohoooo, home hero but unfortunately I won't be playing with them again due to some work to do.

This week updates:

This week, my CP classmate and I was assign to the medical ward. First day, the nurse manager oriented us to the ward and etc. After that we continue with our job that we was assign to. I can't believe my eyes that I really do alot of work while my friends are all slacking. The next day onwards we separated into 2 shift and that is morning and afternoon. Throughout this whole week, I feel that I have been working so hard. My friends are all curious about me as I did alot of things while my friends got nothing to do. Friends the only thing you need to do is to show some initiative and than they will trust you for who you are. If there is nothing to do in the ward I just try to refill up the alcohol wipe, glove, surgical mask in the MRSA room. I love creating jokes with friends such as doing cat walk in the ward and etc. There's 1 nurse in my ward looks like my ex girlfriend and I always partner with her went doing work. I just miss her so much and went I doing work with her, I always stared at her beautiful face.Hehehe. Today also I worked as I took MC a few weeks ago so I need to make up the days that I use. Wooohooo, I told my fellow friends that the nurse is my gf as I always partner with her in my ward even today. Hahahaha.
K after worked, meet up my ex classmate and yeah we played some soccer match and sepak takraw at Badminton court. After that went to Nanyang KFC with my friend to eat than go home. ~Fuck you~

K till here

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 10:08 PM

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Picture of the day

Video of the day

Hey readers,

Make it short.

-Today woke up and receive a msg from Shahdam asked if I want to paly badminton.
-After that mom asked to go to Gek Poh to buy some stuff.
-Withdraw money from my bank account and gave some of it to my mom.
-Meet up Shahdam under my block.
-Went to Diyana house to take badminton racket.
-Not long everyone comes.
-I and daffy eat at koufu and than buy some drinks at giant.
-Play some match with my classmate.
-Wani won me....:P.
-Go to shop behind Blss with jamal and saw Syafiq(SMS).
-Incident happened went we want to go back to Bad court.
-Faiz 'Bubble' uh!!!
-Play badminton against the Bangla.
-I and Alfaiz lost to them as they are fucking strong
-Continue with badminton match against my ex classmate.
-Than go home for prayers.
-Treat my family food and watching Manchester united vs Arsenal.
-Manchester United vs Arsenal draw.
-K goodbye.

K till here friends

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 8:58 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009
Who will win the American idol 8

Adam Lambert

Kris Allen

Picture of the day.

Hey readers,

Today morning help mom go market and guess what I saw rafie (sec 5) so salam2 and blah. Reached home, changed and go for my friday prayers at taman jurong mosque. After prayers, quickly went home and change to my soccer attire as my classmate decided to play soccer after that. Meet up Fizan, Jamal, Hidafi, Alfaiz, Anok, Wani, anand and friends at badminton court and we start to play. While playing with my ex classmate, my old friend walked by and asked if they can play against us so we play uh. Not long Arina, Geena and Farhana come so they watch us playing. We play till my ex classmate gets angry with them and yeah I and dafi got to meet up faiz near west park for what ever reason. Faiz the only thing I wanna to say to you is fuck you!!! as we can just talk on the phone and don't need to travel to west park. Arhhh, nvm uh just lepak for awhile and we play a couple of match than we went back to badminton court.

Reached badminton court, my old friend still there so they asked to play soccer again. Arghhhhh crap, Hafizan, Alfaiz, Anand and Jamal have already go home but new faces have enter such as Fadilah, Wani sister, Suhaimi(Fadilah BF)and Hafiz. At first I got no mood to play as there got someone but than I just play and I score alot of goal sia. From there, I feel like normal and play as if there's is no tomorrow. I really respect Suhaimi and Anok as they are really brave to fight against them. Blahblahblah, my old friend go home so the others start to play juggling and some match at Badminton court. Ouh crap its already 9.30pm and I scared the western food stall closed so salam2 all of them and buy something at there and go home.

K till here

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 10:29 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ex pioneer pri, ex boon lay secondary school student

Hey readers,

Umm yesterday, got to meet up my ex classmate and standard uh play soccer. We play a couple of match at bad court than went to pioneer mall and lepak till 10pm. Wooohoooo, I don't think all my friend realise that tomorrow they are schooling. After they realise it than they start to panic and quickly go home. Today morning, sent my small sis to school and help mom but some breakfast at mama shop. Woooohoooo, guess what early in the morning saw shahdam at mama shop and standard uh he buy rokok. After that salam2 than proceed to market to buy some stuff and continue my journey to blk 816 to buy prata. Reached home, eat, watch TV and continue sleeping till 12.15pm. Wow, I received alot of msg from atikah but than I reply so late as I still asleep. Bath for the second time and than get changing as I going to watch movie with atikah and etc but last minute they malas so I go alone.

I want to watch the show called 'Jgn Tegur' so I went to Cathay cineplexes at causeway point to watch it. Woooohoooo, it is 3.20pm so enter to the theater and guess what I'm alone sia (ISN'T THAT GREAT). Not long alot of people enter and yeah I was surrounded by alot of Malay girls (Shit confirm they shout them loud sia). Show start and guess what popcorn are flying around in the theater due to the part where the ghost appear. Pity that girl who sit beside me as her popcorn drop so I gave my popcorn to her. While in the middle of the show, the popcorn that I gave to her fly again and this time hits me. Wth, she and her friend can still laugh at me but nvm I take it as a joke. Hahaha. After that movie end, that girl was waiting outside for me but I ran away as I don't entertain this kind of girls.

Quickly board a train back to Pioneer station and yeah wani call asked to play soccer. Ape lagi, I quickly went to bad court to meet them. Wow, unexpected guest was there and that is my ex Fadilah and wani small sister. Nvm, just act normal and play soccer. Than not long, Fadilah bf come so play soccer with him. Wow, he's soccer skill was fantastic and yeah nice match. Lepak for awhile at pioneer mall than go home. Currently chat with Salsiah and Fizan.

K till here

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 9:23 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hey readers,

Today, woke up early at 6am to sent my small sister to school and continue to make my way to the market. Standard uh, help mom to buy some stuff and than go home. Reached home, play some games from my PSP and than get changing as I'm going to ITE simei to sent my logbook and donation card back. Luckily there are 3 angels accompany me to school or else I will be alone, (Thanks Herna, Syamsiah and Atikah). Inside train, talk2 and create some jokes than reached tanah merah and meet up syamsiah. After that board bus 31 to Ite simei and guess what I saw kelvin. Actually, he was going for audition but nvm at least I could see him for awhile. Reached, Ite simei I saw another friend and that is Durga and went inside school, I saw Faiz, Jin Liang, Haryati and Ram. Isn't that great got to meet up my fellow JN0901F back but its still not all of it.

It's still early to meet up my lecturer so went to cafe 1 to drink with my frend. After that meet up my lecturer at level 5 for awhile and than blah. All the girls wanna to lepak but I don't want so I msg daffy and went home wif him. Wow, I swear daffy classmate is great and friendly. I not regret asking him to join that course sia. 3.30pm so daffy and me make our way to joo chiat to buy something for my small sister but don't have so go home. Inside the train, I and daffy are so restless till we sat on the floor. hahahaha. Reached Boon lay station saw jamal so salam2 and continue shopping at jurong point. After shopping, standard uh went home. At about 8pm adilah msg me asking about ns studies so I went to her block to give some sample paper to study and say goodluck. K till here I'm damn tired, I wanna apologise if this story kinda like so fast.

K till here

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 9:18 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009
Tammy and Victor (Winner of The amazing race 14)

Nike Air Legend II FG Black Volt Silver

Adidas 'Copa Mundial'

Hey readers,

Today, thinking of going to gym but failed as woke up late and my hand muscle is still cramp. Not again, another fucking spam on my blog and that's what I called coward. Rihyad and Shawani blog also got spam and yeah this people are nuisance. Wooohooo, mom cook bone steak today and guess what I ate 8 of it today but still not fat. In the afternoon, I went to Jurong Point to pay some house bill and than went home. Yesterday, I feel really bad as I was so rude to my cousin Syafiqah so I tried to apologise to her but till now I don't get any answer. I really sorry about that Syafiqah as I'm too stress up. Now I can accept the fact that we can't be together as couple but I hope we can still be together as cousins. Back to the story>>>>>>

About 7pm, my dad decided to go to Queensway shopping centre as he wanna to take he's spectacle so I got a chance to survey on soccer boots around there. Wow, I really admire on this two soccer boot 'Adidas Copa Mundial($158)' and 'Nike Air Legend II FG Black Volt Silver($189)'. Suddenly, my dad came up to me and said do you want that soccer boot?. Actually, I want it but I feel so shy to used my dad's money so I said to him that I will collect my own money to buy it. After I said that to him, he was like so shocked as if I said that for the first time. Hahaha. After that went home and watch 'The amazing race 14'. Woooohoooo, my favourite team Tammy and Victor won the amazing race today. I really learned alot in amazing race and that is teamwork, patients and the spirit we got to win the race.

Till here readers

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 9:20 PM

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Hey readers,

Recently Mas Selamat have been caught so now we are safe but not 100% safe if you know what I mean. K yesterday, Kinda happy as got to meet up my fellow ex boonlayian and boonlayian. Before go SDC, I already saw Farhan and Musa but went I reached SDC there's plenty more such as Matin, Shaifful, Faizul, Wan, Faizal, Hassan, Zhi cheng, Syakir and many more. Wow, can say it have been a long time since we met together and yeah it makes me remember about our Ncc days.Hahaha. Also got to meet up my juniors such as Rahman, Firman, Faiz, Hafiz, Min, daniel, prince and Hazrul (Abg Sachioook beb).

Today Mother's day, I got nothing for my mom but today I let her rest and I do all the housework. I feel so proud for my mom as I know last time we use to be very poor but she try to go every where to asked for help. I still remember, went I was a small kid you just feed me a rice and soya sauce as we can't afford to buy meat and vegetable. I can't describe how poor am I and many people use to help us. My dad have work so hard day and night to get money for the whole family to eat, Thanks Dad (I proud of you). If you realise, why I like to share my food or lent money to people and that is because I know how they feels as I use to be like them before.

Back to the story, today morning got soccer training at pioneer mall field and yeah the training was so tough. We trained on our hand muscle, leg muscle and yeah now my cuff muscle is so weak. About 2 hours later I and daffy went to banquet to eat than go home and help mom. Help so much thing until so tired till I vomited blood. Stop helping and than I sleep till 8pm. Now currently resting and yeah got anything just call me and thanks faiz for that jersey thing. I also have no idea why Faiz gave me number 7 but actually I want 8 but nvm uh.

Finally!!! I am free from smoking, its hard to quit but I manage to do it so do you.

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 10:01 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009
Fifi Remundo

Hafizan, Asrul and his girlfriend Fiona.

Hafizan, he's the joker of the day.

Best Friend yaw.

Hey readers,

Today morning, mom was shouting at my small sister for crying for whatever reason. Arhhh!!! I feel so dizzy went she shout so go toilet and bath and guess what I almost faint inside the toilet. Blahblahblah, cook something for breakfast and than help mom go woodland to sent something to my mom's friend. Board a train to woodland and meet up my mom's friend at causeway point. Wooohooo, she gave me money for no reason so accept it and buy some food later. Just walk around causeway point and hafizan call me and asked if I wanna to lepak or not so I went to jurong point to meet him up. Reached jurong point, I meet him up at KFC and yeah he create alot of joke to make me laugh, Thanks bro. Can say about 65% of the day is full of his joke and yeah I lovin it.

Meet up Asrul and Fiona at NTUC Xtra than we walked to pioneer mall to lepak. Wooohoooo, not long Alfaiz came so I plan to go SDC as wadah asked me to go. The real thing I don't want to go as I don't feel right but what to do I still go. Umm before that, my friend and I got some business to do around the neighbourhood and yeah can't tell you about that. After that business, we slack at Anok block for awhile than we start to go to SDC. Before going Hafizan wanna change shirt so follow him and than we board bus 193 to there. Reached SDC, got alot of boonlayians and mat rep sia. Got drinks uh so ape lagi I grab uh. Hahaha. Not long saw Picqa so try to talk to her but she ran away. Crap. Not long Nisa and Wadah come to me and said something so I try to find her and talk to her.

I got no idea why she still wanna know about that passerby. The passerby got nothing to do with us so why must you bother about it. I try to talk to her but end up I was like chasing after her like one bollywood actor. After the long run, finally got to talk to her and I try to save our relationship but she refuses for more than 3 times. I got no choice but to just accept her decision. I really sorry for bringing up ur ex story and I also feel bad for doing that to you. Picqa I really sorry!!!. Yeah!!! I agree with what u have written on ur blog. You are now so called a queen and you do not need me to talk to you anymore as I'm just an ordinary guy who is not good looking, clumsy, idiot, stupid and many more that do not fits to be her's. She's change alot and how I wish the old Picqa is back.

Btw, sorry Hafizan, Wadah, Nisa and Alfaiz for leaving you guys up at SDC. I can't control my feeling it just that I feel angry , disappointed, sad, unhappy and many other feeling that related to hurt. Umm take a cab home and went to block 627 where I always release all my anger there. After that went home and sent a happy mother's day msg to my mom. Umm, I hope mom happy and yeah do cook ayam masak merah everyday cause I like. Hahahaha. Dad just came back from Malaysia and guess what he bought a carton of chewing gum for whole family. Wooohoooo

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 11:24 PM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Manchester United


Barcelona F.C

Mikael Essien score for Chelsea

Víctor Valdés wanna to save Essian shot but miss it.

Bacelona Hero, Andres Iniesta.

Craving!!! Nike Air Legend II FG Black Volt Silver

Woohoooo!!! most of my best friend online.

Hi readers,

Today morning, I miss out watching Chelsea vs Barcelona but I do watch it in the encore telecast in the afternoon. Here the story of the match goes, Chelsea starts up conquering the position and Mikael Essien score the first goal for chelsea in 9min. Kick ball here and there and in 92min, Andres Iniesta score a terific goal and that make barcelona through to the final. Wooohoooo, Chelsea fans was so happy but at last they close their eyes in horror as that team lost. K today, I plan with Ahmad and sree to go out today but it end up not going. I got no choice to go shopping alone. Thinking of going Bugis but end up at Queensway shopping centre. I survey on that Nike Air Legend II FG Black Volt Silver soccer boots and guess what that boot cost $235 (I can buy lah but wait first).

Blahblahblah, than wanna to eat but Macdonald have close down so I went to clementi to eat alone. Wow, the auntie selling nasi ayam there is getting better as last time she's was my patient at alexandra hospital. After that went back home and saw that passerby again near Jurong Point so talk to her for awhile than blah. Reached home, help my small sister with her science homework than got a fight with my parents (No need to talk about that uh, I feel so stress right now). Than I sleep and guess what I dream of her. Wow, It's hardly to talk to her in the real world but I got a chance to talk to her in my dream. How I wish my life is like my dream just now a (Thanks God for giving me that dream about her).
Now currently, chat with Faiz iskandar, Atikah and Wadaniah so bye2.

Till here readers.

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 10:00 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
He was thinking where the hell is Firdaus.

I'm craving for their soccer boots (Daddy I want that boot).

Ronaldo is my hero but I hate he's face.

Pity Fletcher can't play for the final match.

Simple Plan

Hey readers,

Guess what, all the nursing student who going for their clinical attachment were all have their 3 weeks holiday starting from 4 may 2009 due to the swine flu (I swear, I hate pigs and because of pigs I can't work.) Arghhhh!!! forget about that uh, all my plan for June holiday are all ruined so I need to accept the fact that it already happened (Thanks Pigs). Last Monday, while I walked pass BLSS, I saw this passerby and she invited me to come for the museum night this Friday. I don't know if I wanna to come on that night but I really miss someone and that's make me wanna to see her. If only I got a chance to be with her again, I will always be on her side if she needs me (I still love you although you already not my gf).

Today morning, I and my Dad watched Manchester United against Arsenal at 2.30am. Arghhhh!!!! I need to admit Manchester United are too good for Arsenal and they won 3-1. Blahblahblah, after that soccer match, I sleep and wake up at 9.30am. Woke up already, help mom go market to buy some stuff and suddenly Isnin msg me asked for soccer match. Btw small kid, I'm sorry that I can't organise the match today as my teammates are currently at school. After that, eat, rest and play comp till now. Umm, tomorrow gonna shopping and how I wish she was with me tomorrow. Heh.

~Up coming plan~

13 May 2009 - Going east coast with my classmate (JN0901F).
Before 24 May 2009 - Gonna have a match against Hafizan cousins team.
25 May 2009 - Back to school.


~Fifi Remundo~


@ 7:54 PM

Monday, May 4, 2009
Highlights on the soccer match I had played.

31 Jan 2009 - ITE Bishan(0) vs ITE Simei (5)
02 Feb 2009 - ITE Yishun(2) vs ITE Simei (7)
09 Feb 2009 - ITE Bukit Batok(1) vs ITE Simei(3)
20 Feb 2009 - ITE Ang Mo Kio(4) vs ITE Simei(6)
25 March 2009 - ITE Clementi(1) vs ITE Simei(2)
01 Apr 2009 - NFA under 18(0) vs ITE Simei(2)
11 Apr 2009 - Ginga Boys(0) vs Ex 4NT1(1) ~I'm the hero for this one~
17 Apr 2009 - Gan Eng Seng (1) vs Faiz team (1)
25 Apr 2009 - NFA under 18 (1) vs ITE Simei (2)
01 May 2009 - Faiz team (0) vs Ex 4NT1 (10) ~I score hat-trick for this game~

~The Ex 4NT1 team are looking forward to against Ginga Boys for our second leg and if posible against Ex 4NA5 our enermy~

K till here

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 10:13 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Brendon Urie


Umm today went to central and cut my long hair. Shit, I miss my long hair yaw but nvm it will grow back again. Kinda bored at home so decided to go to the gym to carry some weight. Guess what, I guess today my lucky day uh as I saw Taufik Batisah at gym. Woooohooooo, He use to be my idol went I was sec 1 until my form teacher declare me as 'Firdaus Batisah'. I try to avoid from him but than he get nearer and nearer so no choice but to smile and talk to him. Tired of carrying weigh so I do the cycling and he was also doing that too. While cycling he share with me some of his story and I share mine. Standard uh, I share about my sec 1 story and guess what he laugh out loud yaw.....hahaha. Tired of exercise already so went inside the restroom and bath than go home. Serious talking, Taufik he's cool and he's body is damn fit.

Blahblahblah, reached home help mom change curtain and other stuff than went out to Arab street to buy some food. After buy all the food we want than proceed to blk 815 as my dad wanna to buy some food at there. Fuck uh!!! the stall beside that indian muslim stall got some mat rep selling malay food, he keep on stare at me as if like wanna fight with me (come uh tk tkt uh). Ignore that fucking mat rep than went back home. Reached home, eat2 than msg Ahmad about our attachment at hospital. Blahblahblah, currently chat with Atikah and yeah thanks yaw for reminding me to update my blog or else I won't update it at all.

Till here my friends

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 8:09 PM

Friday, May 1, 2009
This one is for you my secret lover.

The school track and field runner.

Anok, Fizan and Shahdam blocking the way.

Andrey Arshavin point out 3 finger like what I did just now.

Hello readers,

Today, woke up so early at about 4.30am as I need to accompany my dad to geylang serai market to buy some groceries. I took a total of 1 hr and 50min to bath and pack my stuff yaw. At about 6.30am, my dad start to drive the car. Arhhhh!!!!! Not again, my earpiece spoilt again. Reached geylang serai already, so help dad buy some stuff than proceed to west coast drive to have my breakfast. Eat already, my dad drive me to jurong east field and meet up faiz team. Woooohoooo, their team mcm power uh (padehal2). So long sia for my team mate to come so just talk to faiz and fizan who come already. About 20 minutes later than my team mate come but not all come. Not long rihyad and his gf follow up by kader and shahdam come. Our opponent requested for the game to start now so ape lagi we start uh. Today is my first time becoming the captain and I arrange all my team formation.......woooohoooo.


1) Hafizan (Goalkeeper)
2) Jamal (Right Back)
3) Kader (Last Man)
4) Hidafi (Stopper)
5) Rihyad (Left back)
6) Alfaiz (Right Wing)
7) Prince (Defensive Midfielder)
8) Nizam (Attacking Midfielder)
9) Firdaus (Left Wing)
10) Luqman (Forward)
11) Faiz (Forward)
12 Shahdam (Sub)

Match start so we start conquering the whole field and yeah Luqman score the first goal. Before half time, Kader cross the ball in the box and a header by me and that's make it the first goal for me. Wow, exhausted like hell sia after playing more than 45 minutes in the first half. Second half starts and I realise that the opponent feeling so restless so is time to take advantage over it. Luqman find an opening at the middle of the field and he gave a wonderful strike in the net. After that, Kader from the back went down and score his first goal. The opponent had a short fight with shahdam and they dare shahdam to score a goal. Not long thanks god shahdam score a terrific goal and that make it 5-0. Umm, I saw jamal running with the ball at the right wing area so I ran forward and he gave me a terrific cross and uat pe lagi volley the ball to the net uh. Huhu!!! 2 goal so ape agy I show 2 finger to my opponent. Hahahaha, hafizan keep on called faiz kencing manis as he always kick the ball so high but at last he got it on target and that make it 7-0. Not long, Kader pass the ball to me and I shot it in the net and that make it my 3rd goal of the day......(wooohoooo, hat-trick uh). K serious talking, I do play like Andrey Arshavin in the earlier match just now. Rihyad have already waited so long to get a goal but at last he score the 9th goal of the game. Finish up the game by Luqman fantastic goal and that make his first hat-trick too. Total score 10-0 and the opponent look so dissapointed after the match.

K tired already so bye2

~Fifi Remundo~


@ 5:16 PM

Hey readers,

Umm, if you read the news paper (noon edition) on the date of 30th April 2009,try to flip the page where there is Arsene Wenger and Alex Ferguson face. If you read properly it written this 'Manchester united conquer the whole game and won by the score from john o'shea but they beaten Arsenal in the childish way'. Seriously, I don't understand but I guess it try to said that Manchester United are so childish when against Arsenal. I also caught this from the 4th paragraph, it written like this ' Arsene Wenger did not feel dissapointed in that match but he feels proud in his player for been fair in that game'. Wow, I agree that Arsenal is playing friendly but only Manchester United is taking advantage over it. Arsenal do lost against Manchester United by one goal but they will try to catch it back.

Now, back to my story about myself and my life. I currently having fever, flu, cough and etc. Urhhh crap, This Friday I got a soccer match against faiz team and yet I'm sick. Nvm, I just try to force myself to play and hope that nothing happen tomorrow.

Tomorrow formation:

1) Hafizan (Goalkeeper)
2) Jamal (Right Back)
3) Kader (Last Man)
4) Hidafi (Stopper)
5) Rihyad (Left back)
6) Alfaiz (Right Wing)
7) Prince (Defensive Midfielder)
8) Nizam (Attacking Midfielder)
9) Firdaus (Left Wing)
10) Luqman (Forward)
11) Faiz (Forward)
12 Shahdam (Sub)


~Fifi Remundo~


@ 12:04 AM

Name: Muhammad Firdaus Bin Jamal / Fifi james way.
B-day: 28101992.
Age: 17(This year)
School: ITE College East (Simei)
Course: School of Applied And Health Science (Nursing)
Hobby: Playing guitar, soccer, running and modern dance.
About me: I'm a friendly person who love making fiend with other peoples in this world. Currently attached to my one and only Nur Syamsiah Binte Badis since 080609 and she have been a wonderful girlfriend that I had.




Cousins and Nephew



Nurul Huda(Huda)
Syakina(Syasya Pisang)
Winnie Tay(Winnie)

Fifi Sta Maria

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