Saturday, February 28, 2009
Hey readers,
It have been 1 week I did not update my blog so wanna to update now. The story of this week kinda great as I've met alot of new faces. K start up wif monday story, as usual go school in the morning but than Miss jay did not come so bored sia. Blahblahblah, finished school than go home and sleep. On tuesday, Miss jay also did not come so got Biology for 4 hours straight. After break, than got practical lesson with Mdm Norliza and Miss Rahimah. Blahblahblah, LLA lesson so relax2 do some work then go home. Wednesday, got Biology test so I keep on study till i reached school. Shocking moment of the day is that went I'm doing my test suddenly my stomach make some weird sound and my friend all like look at me and laugh. Wth, paisey sia but I just ignore and do my test paper. K finished test asked ahmad to follow me go cafe and buy some food. Eat already than go class and do some work. 2 hours later break but than I'm not mkn so I and khairul walked around our school than go class. Blahblahblah, lesson end so go home and wanna know something while I'm walking back home, one of the beauty therapy girl came up to me and asked my name so I told her mine. She also introduced herself to me and her name is Juliet de sanroza, she's a philipino girl. She asked alot of question sey such as
What's your name?
Where you stay?
How many year are you in this school?
Is it so stress in this course?
Are you attached?
and many more.....
The most shocking question is when she asked if I'm single or not and I was blank sia. Wow, I was shocked and at the train she asked if I wanna be her boyfriend or not and I said that give me time for that question. I don't know it is just so hard to make that decision. Blahblahblah, Thursday nothing much go mkn at east point with classmate than got PE but than I only got to play soccer 4 awhile and than go gym due to the rainy day. After PE go cafe 2 and wanna know got someone stare at me and that is my ex gf bro......alamak stare org mcm tk pernah npk gitu. Just ignore him, than go home wif juliet and Ahmad. Friday, late day so sent my small sister to school and yeah picqa saw me but I did not saw her.......shit miss a chance........hahahaha. After that change and go school alone. Inside train, msg juliet and meet her at city hall interchange than go school together. Urhhhhhhhh, since yesterday she always call me boyfie till my friend thought that she is my gf. Ignore her, so after school go home with Juliet than talk2 at train than say goodbye. After that proceed to jurong to meet my ex classmate. K reached jurong play soccer and lepak2 than go gek poh with hidafi to mkn. Wtf, the service at there so lacked nk mampos. Blahblahblah, after eat buy seaweed than go home. Reached home, msg with juliet than zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Umm, now I don't know who should I choose Miss J or Miss S. I still love Miss S but I think she already have a boyfriend. I think Khairunisa rights, I need to forget about Miss S cause she got no more feeling towards me.I think I will get a new life with Miss J but I'm still not sure if I wanna to accept her cause I still love Miss S. URRRRHHHHHHH, so stress and confuse.
Who should I choose?~Fifi~
Labels: Miss J or Miss S
@ 2:23 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Fifi Remundo
Hey readers,
Just wanna shared some story about last friday, saturday and today. Last friday nothing much go school and decided to visit my old school and that is BLSS. K fined can't entered that school due to the new rules of that school. Decided to lepak at one place and that is under salsiah house with hidafi and salsiah. Before that saw Rahiman, Syuk and forget uh his name so salam2 than go there. Reached under salsiah house talk2 than I and daffy went to gek poh to buy rempah. After that proceed to boon lay food court to buy pineapple juice and soya bean juice.......(I drink alot yaw). After we finished our drink, Hidafi decided to play guitar at blk 816 so went to his house take guitar than we went there to play guitar. Play guitar and strum up some notes than dafi treat me tom yam soup at JP.......thanks daffy, I owe you one. Eat2, than went home.
Saturday, nothing much help my mom go market to buy some groceries. Reached home, on computer play some lame game than sleep. Woke up back at around 5pm than followed my dad to IMM to buy aircon at gain city. Reached there quickly choose aircon than set a date 2 fix that aircon. Eh that guy really cheat me sia, he said that is a lucky draw form but than it's a feed back form sia. Forget about it, after that went to giant and the funny thing is we get a big trolley but end up buying less than 10 item........hahahahaha. K than wnt back to my dad car than go home. Today, woke up late at about 11am, than watch tv and eat than slep back due to sickness. About 3pm I received a msg and it is so distracting. UHHHHHHHH, woke up and my head feels so dizzy. Now currently taking my medicine and I hope that my sickness will go away tomorrow.
Signing off
~Fifi remundo~
@ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hey humans and other species that could read this blog,Just wanna to welcome you guys for entering this blog. Today story, started up waking up so early went to school and take my nursing studies exam at MLT. Walauwei, easy and some of the question I was totally blank. K after test meet up my class advisor and tell her my situation than she asked me to go home. But before that I went up to 6th floor to take my bag inside the locker. K salam2 my classmate and they all like asked me to get well, thanks my friends for bing so caring about me. I really owe all of you one of my kindness. After that went to train station and board a train to Boon Lay. I though of going to payar lebar to buy some stuff or clementi but then my body feels weak so walked home. Reached boon lay then continue walked infront boon lay sec and buy ice cream right infront of boon lay sec. That uncle really miss me and my friends alot.
Me: Hi!!! Uncle, satu ice cream campur.
Apek ice cream: Eh lu, lama tak jumpa skrg baju makin lawa uh.
Me: Ish, Apek mana ada.
Apek ice cream: Lu skrg skola mana?
Me: Saya skola kat simei situ uh skrg.
Apek ice cream: Gua rindu uh bila lu dgn kwn2 lu tlg gua jual ice cream. Lu punya kwn mana?
Me: Hahaha.... yeah gua masih ingat abeh tu byk kan org beli. Ouh, kwn gua skola lain and tak bayak kali uh jumpe diorang.
Apek ice cream: K nah ni ice cream.
Me: Thanks apek, (Pay $1 than say bye)He gave me so many ice cream sia. Uncle nvm if I'm free I help u sell ice cream k. N ya uncle maybe this week or next week gua dtg BLSS so meet you there. K back to the story, reached home, eat a little bit of nugget than followed by mee soto. Eat 2 medicine than I felt so drowsy than I sleep.
To kwn2 bdk 4/1 yang lama:
Apek ice cream rindu korang uh.......hahahahhaha.K bye2
~Fifi~Labels: Sick please go away.
@ 3:48 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hey readers,
Today not going to school as I'm sick. It started yesterday went I feel sick and headache. Yesterday, reached home at about 7.30pm and I straight away sleep. Every 3 hr,I keep on wake up and I feel uncomfortable. My dad woke me up at about 4.55am and I said to my dad I not going to school today as I feel sick. My parent asked me to sleep and go to doctor after I woke up again. About 9am, my big sister woke me up and I straight away bath. Quickly make an appointment with the clinic at pionner mall. Reached pionner mall is my turned so went in and meet the doctor. I explain to her about my physical condition and what happen this morning. So I told the doctor that there's a blood went I cough and she said that I got a high chance of getting dengue fever. OMG, I was so scared and she advise me to stay indoor always. K grab my medicine and got a day off. Currently resting and thanks Fifi and Jay for wishing me well.
Labels: Dengue fever go away.
@ 2:16 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Muhammad Firdaus Bin Jamal.
Hey readers,Today woke up at 5am and followed my dad to geylang serai to buy some stuff. After that we went to west coast drive to have our breakfast. Standard, Mama 2 prata telur and acih satu bandung. After eat went back to car and hear some song. K tired after buying alot of groceries than drive back home. Inside car my dad asked me to take my driving licence as for now from the age of 16 onwards we can take our driving licence. Than I was like yes dad but the money want to get from where to pay the fees. His reaction was like blur.........hahahaha. K went to mosque to make donation again and than reached home. K arranged all the stuff inside the cabinet then went to sleep. It feel like only 10 minutes of sleep and my dad woke me up to go for the wedding ceremony. Quickly bath and than move on to that place. Walauwei, reached there and I saw KC from ria. I ignore him than continue eating. Blahblahblah, after eat went to gek poh for nothing and proceed to blk815 as I feels like buying some food.
K tired so go home, reached home as per normal online and frendstering. I thought wanna to sleep but my mom asked to clean the toilet so clean uh. While cleaning she asked me `U did not buy anything for her for this valentine day ke?' and I was like wanna to cry as my mom still think i still with her but mom, I and her already broke up and the reason I don't want to tell u is that I scared u will feel sad towards me.......sorry mom. K back to the story, after wash toilet than eat again. Suci gonna start so stand by some snacks and quickly focus on the tv. Hahaha, Bayu grandmother damn funny and energetic sey. K after watch suci continue with chatting and frendstering.
K till here friends.
I really sorry to my family if I lied for saying I'm still with her. I just want her to be happy always and for that we broke up. Now, she's got a new guy and I just hope that they will last long........Amin.
@ 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Fifi Remundo
54th is my position for Xcountry
That's my name and the subject I taking
Faiz A.K.A Russell Lee.
Hey humans and unknown species,
I just want to share with you about this valentine day story. Today as per normal wake up early to go school for my exams. Standard uh, on my MP3 player than walked to the Train station. Wow, today wadah damn fast reached at the train staion. We board the train and I keep on studying only. Ting tong Aljunied, then wadah stared at me and laugh.....wth I know lah it related to someone in my family. K reached simei than start walking to school. Wow, the school is like a ghost town without many people around. I saw Jay, affandy and Haizum at forum so we sit there and study together. Not long many people come so we went up to put our bag at the locker to stand by for the test. In that test I partner with Ahmad and I got no difficulties with him. Finally finished the test and teacher asked some question to me and I answer it alright.......hahahaha.
After test, meet up wadah outside school and I saw hidayah bf so salam him then walked to east point to eat. Alot of fast food restaurant at east point but I choose KFC as long time uh did not eat that kind of junk food. Blahblahblah, went to geylang serai to buy otah otah and capal but then capal tkde. After that donate some money to the charity than went to city hall to meet up Luqman and Faiz. Wait for them for about 30 minutes and finally they came wif kuzaimah, khairul, Aizad, Syakilah and others. K first walked around at penisula as Faiz wanna buy guitar and wanna know something I admire one guitar so much and it only cost 70 bucks. Blahblahblah, went to marina to eat at burger king another junk food. Than walked around esplanade and saw many couple all around and they keep on say I love you. Uhhhhhhhh, just keep on force myself not to hear but still can hear. Quickly board the train back home but before that bought a new snow cap and than goodbye.
~Fifi Remundo~
Labels: I love someone.
@ 9:34 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dear readers,
Just wanna share some story with you guys about my life now. Now, I'm so stress as there gonna be alot of exam coming up. This saturday gonna be my phase test on vital sign and I have only a little bit of practice. I hate the part went I need to check the blood pressure as it is so hard to hear the beating sound on the brachial artery. Today, I woke up at about 4am+ than bath and start walked to the MRT station. Board a train to Clementi and start call Eugene to meet me up and together we go to Bedok. Reached Bedok station met Kelvin at the passenger service and not long the others came and we go to bedok resevoir like one family. Wow, there is alot of student at Bedok resevoir and I like got no hope to run. Mr Mani asked the B division boys to stand at the starting line and he said something about safety and the prize for top 70. Blahblahblah, It gonna start and I keep on say in my heart.
( Dear God, give me the strengh to run this 4km race). Ouh, the race start and I was like in the middle of all boys. I keep on running in the constant speed and I got a position 54. Sign up as a track and field runner than blah.
I'm still not happy with my result as I wanna to get top 50 but I got 54. Forget about it than went back to college to have our lunch. Blahblahblah, finished eating so change to nursing uniform then went in to class. I guess I need more training on the blood pressure part as it is so hard to hear the beep sound. About one hour time, we go home but I, jay, Ahmad, veronica, Xiang yun and Pei fen we stay back to do our Bio project. In that group I always be the one who give idea........hahahahaha. K not long we go home as ahmad got Floorball and others are going home. K went back wif wadah and at train wadah is sleeping sey. I was like lonely and I keep on thinking of this special person since we fell apart. K fined, she appear on my dream for about 2 days and I hope she will appear again today. Reached Boon lay than walked back home. Now currently online and pls got anything just chat wif me k.
~Fifi remundo~Labels: Who will be my valentine???
@ 7:20 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Young adult life

Friends that seperated to different campus

Friends 4ever

Smiles yaw my friend.

Fifi the goblin from hell.
I really miss all the happiness inside the water

Photo time @ de beach
The last girl survive

Burried hafizan and ya ketam2.....hahax

while playing volleyball


The Hafizan's

Shahdam and alfaiz

Fifi remundo is back

Kader, Fifi, Wani, Dila and Salsiah

When classmate meet up together



Hey2 my readers,Today is so tiring as I need to update my blog again.......hahaha just joking (Lek uh blog jgn lah nanges). Start up the story by waking up @ 4am in the morning. Bath then watch some soccer match at football channel then blah go ITE (Simei) cause got soccer match against ITE (Bishan). OMG, it still early and no train there so went inside Jurong point and wow so dark and it is like a haunted shopping centre. Walked2 then go out to the train station and this time there is a train. Sit at one corner and listen to some of the jiwang song from my mp3. Ting tong door closing and the train start moving..........hahahaha. 53 Minutes later the train arrived at simei station so alight and start walking. When to the field to meet up my team mates. Wow first time match sia and I felt so nervous to fight them. Match start and wanna know something I score a goal for ITE (simei) before 5 minutes. Not long about 25 minutes my team member Hairul scored a goal too and follow up by Hilmi goal. After half time, I scored my second goal by the assist from ahmad. OMG, there's a fight in about 70th minutes and cause one of my team mate to get the first ever red card. 11 against 10 and ITE (simei) won't give up and we scored the last minutes goal by Irfan. The Total score is 5-0 and some of the ITE (Bishan) player still not happy with our player. Blahblahblah, msg someone special to asked what she was doing but she did not reply. Nvm, then met up my ex classmate at vivo.Reached vivo met my classmate at Long john silver then we proceed to Sentosa. Wow, the view at Sentosa damn nice sia and I can't wait to walk around. First, we find a spot to settle down and we got a spot near the sapphire pavilion. Wooohoooo, we got a shettled spot so we are free from the heat. We set up the tent at the shelther and start our activity. Hahaha, suddenly we got an Idea and that is to burried hafizan. Wtf, he like to say ketam2 and that really crack my stomach yaw. I rest at the tent while the others went to swim. Nothing much to do so dig out sand and make a big hole. They back from the water and they looked so cold.......hahahaha ( Sejuk pe ). Blahblahblah, play soccer and volleyball then they go bath. After bath then we went to vivo to eat chicken rice. Walauwei, really pity guorui as he treat all of us that chicken rice.......Thanks bro. After eat no idea where to go but end up at jurong extention park to lepak. Talk2 about our pass then start walking and the time is about 11.04pm. Everyone went home in the seperate way but I walk with salsiah as our house is near to each other. While walked back home saw atiqah, siti and Fadilah so say Hi then blah. Talk2 about health thing then say bye2. Walauwei the path towards my house was so scary and luckily there was 2 aunty took the same lift with me. Reached home wash leg and face then quickly bath. Uhhhhh, damn tired already uh nak tdo uh aku........ZZZZZZZZZ.
~Fifi~Labels: Will she stay or seperate???
@ 12:37 AM