Wednesday, December 31, 2008
To Picqa:
Nari tkde kerje so I hope u dgr lagu yg I uat untuk u. Ni lagu dari Saiful Apek yg bertajuk Aspalela tapi I tukar untuk Oh shafiqah. Harap2 u dgr and sing along wif my lyric.Aspalela - ApekIngat tak lagi janji kita dulu oh Syafiqah
Kau dan aku akan bersama sampai ke hari tua
Tapi sayang janji itu dirampas orang ketiga
Oh... Syafiqah jangan buat ku kecewa
Sampai hati kau pergi kepadanya
Makan hatiku bila kau berkata
Patah hati dengan hubungan kita
Hancur hatiku Oh Syafiqah
Terpisah kerna terpaksa akur desakan keluarga
Ku sedar bukan kehendakmu tapi apakan daya
Adakah lagi harapan untuk kita bersama
Oh... Syafiqah apa syarat pun ku trima
Sampai hati kau pergi kepadanya
Makan hatiku bila kau berkata
Patah hati dengan hubungan kita
Hancur hatiku Oh Syafiqah
Oh Picqa Picqa Picqa
Oh oh oh oh Picqa Picqa Picqa
Oh oh Picqa Picqa Picqa
Oh oh oh oh Picqa Picqa Picqa
Ouh...Adakah lagi peluang kita untuk bersama
Oh... Syafiqah jangan tinggalkan ku sayang
Sampai hati kau pergi kepadanya
Makan hatiku bila kau berkata
Patah hati dengan hubungan kita
Hancur hatiku Oh Syafiqah
Picqa Picqa… Picqa Picqa Picqa
Picqa Picqa… Picqa Picqa Picqa
Picqa Picqa… Picqa Picqa Picqa
Picqa Picqa… Oh Syafiqah.
@ 7:10 PM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Futsal and Lepak227 December 2008 My friend and I booked a pitch at fico sport hub. At first I thought that there will be alot of my classmate will turn up but then there is only 9 people turn up. Adilah, Luqman, Faiz, Alfaiz, Hafizan, Hidafi, Kader, Shahdam and Me only who turn up and the absent is Shawani, Diyana, Anand, Jamaludin, Aishah, Rihyad and Jerry. We short of $30+ to play for 2 hours so we decided to play only for an hour......sorry guys......:(. I and Alfaiz went to the booking counter to booked but then we need to play at 9pm as we can't start on 8.35pm. No choice but to accept it so we lent a ball to practice but then shahdam accidentally kick the ball at the top net and stuck so we asked the owner to give us another ball. The lights on so we enter and form our team quickly. Just play the first game and my shirt is just like soak in a water. Finnally, timesout so went out and drink rose syrup that we bought from sheng siong. A group of my friend went to change as, I, Adilah ,Hidafi and Luqman change at the side of the pitch. Not long all change so we went to Pizza hut to grab our free pizza from Hafizan friends........hahahaha........thanks Hafizan. We take some pic and eat at one side for awhile. All done so went under my house playground to lepak but before that Hafizan and Alfaiz went to Pionner mall to buy some burger with the balance money. All back at the playground so eat2 and drink our homemade syrup again and play a game called
''DARE''. It is the same as true or dare but we don't play true as we know alot of the truth about each of our classmate. K I got dare 2 time and i hate went i need to blindfolded.......hahahaha......:D. K it gonna reached 12 midnight so we blah before cik kak dtg.
K that's the story for 27 december 2008________________________________________________________________
Packed and get ready28 December 2008Hi, On 28 december 2008, I packed my stuff as the next day I got a Nursing interview at college east(simei). Wadaniah called and msg me many time to talked about th interview and we share our feeling towards the interview. Damn nervous and scared but like normal I practice at home talk to a doll as if that is my interview. I also learned that a good eye contact will give u a chance to success on the interview so I trained to do that.........hehehehe......:]. Before I sleep check my stuff once again and iron my shirt for the next day.
K that's the story for 28 december 2008________________________________________________________________
Interview to be a Nurse30 December 2008Hello, 30 December 2008 is the day that I step my foot to the new college. I met up Wadaniah at the school bus stop at around 9am+. Went she saw me she like shock as I wear so smart......(Kan wadah aku indie rockstar, mcm changcuters kan aku)......hehehehe......:D. We went to school to take our testimonial but then Mdm suziela is not around so we decided to went out from there. On the way to the train station wadah told me that her cousin will also go for the interview and the same time as me. Reached the station waited for her cousin to come and not long she's come. Her name is Etah if I not wrong but what I care I entertain the both of them in the train with my silly jokes. That aunty in the train any how bang me till my hp drop, K fine wadah and her cousin laugh out loud. Woooohooooo, finnally reached simei so we walk from that station to that college. Wow, damn far sey but while walking we talk and yeah wadaniah go for that interview first.........hahahaha.....:]. After wadaniah interviewed already her face look pale as she said she the interviewer shout at her.......hahahahaha........:D. Went out of the college as her cousin forget to bring her report card so we went to simei station to sent her and I and wadah eat at KFC. About 1hr+, her cousin back and but now wif her bf. I talk to her bf about ITE too but then he take traineship sia. Reached ITE Simei back so I give my form and went in for my interview. I was asked to go to counter 20 for my interview but then only one teacher over there. At first I feel so lucky as only one people interviewed me but then 2 people interviewed me. I talk about myself and about my role in cca and another teacher come and that's 3. One of the teacher talk to me about my school attendance in sec 2 and she really unhappy wif my sec 2 result and behaviour so she called the principal to come to me and I got shout by him. So like wtf sey. Then another teacher come but that teacher kind of like belo2 type. A total of 5 teacher shout at me in a same time and I really feel paisey sey. After interview, I saw alot of people are still waiting outside the interview room and I also saw my fellow Toys'r'us crew and my ex primary mates. Yeah hope they will be in the same class wif me. k the end.
K that's all for 29 December 2008 story.________________________________________________________________
Result outs!!!30 December 2008Today woke up at 9am to see if my result is out but then is not so I went to sleep back and set the time at 9.50am. But before 9.50am Wadaniah msg me and said that her interview was successful so I quickly on the comp and checked mine. Woooooohooooo, mine also successful and I shout out loud. Both my parent was so happy wif it and my dad say welcome to ur new career. Today feel kind of headache and It feel like I'm going to die soon. Msg my dearest and she said her prepaid low so I top up for her just to continue msg wif me. She scolded me for doing that and I sorry but I just wanna to continue msg u. Yeah I know I'm not urs anymore so In sorry I will bring my heart away.
To Picqa>>>I sorry if pakse u untuk suke I. I realise that I'm selfish and I know u feel sick towards me forcing u. Ouhk, I will accept to forget about u. I know u are finding a new boy for ur life and the only thing I can say is that hope you will last long with ur future boy.....:(~Ah Pin~
Labels: Posto Posto Posto
@ 3:53 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008
UOB Xmas tree.
United square Xmas tree.
Afiq and Izah
I swear the aunty in this picture like mcm paham about aerospace
Woohooo, swissroll cake.....hahax.
Next destination
Chipai, that guy cari pasal siol.
Chelsea vs Barcelona
Supreme Court
Bola bola kat air lah.
Image of singapore
Walk alone in a single life.
Black mambars
Mcm nak msk jail siols.
Hidafi rock the whole toilet.
Peace no war
Hello faiz
Apek siak
New hoodie bag.....woohooo...XD
Ah pin back, K fine so lame I know. Before i start my story I just wanna wish all the christian `Merry Christmas' and `Selamat hari Natal'. K starting with yesterday story, I went to work and saw wendy at the service area, she said to me why I did not come yesterday and she said my boss finding me. Wtf, comferm kene marah nye but then went I entered the store room Zul(my boss) just asked me with a soft voice. Why I did not come yesterday???. Lucky siak and I swear yesterday is my last day of work. All gather at the sales floor for morning briefing and kak yah like chipai said she hate one person and she pointed that person name at the clipboard. Not long I and izah look at the clipboard and Kak Yah pointed at izah name. Walauwei pity izah sey but what to do we need to be patient. Not long store open and all of us start with our own things. I help tini wif the cashier and at the register I got scolded buy kak yah for not come yesterday. Chipai sia, she not even a supervisor or boss but then talk much. I just listen to her crap and not long nizam also got scolded by her. Not long break, so go eat wif afiq and izah at burger king. We share alot of story such as sad story, funny story and also insult about the staff in our shop......hahaha.....:]. Ouh time out already so went back to the shop and do service area. Wooohoooo, fix toy tk ke gerek 2 but then I hate to pick up a phone call. Suddenly from no where arif come and he create some jokes for me to laugh and also some advise, Thanks arif. From service area, when to gift wrapper area to do gift wrap.......wooohoooo senang siol.......thanks afiq for teaching me to gift wrap you are now declare to be my sifu. I went to Izah and she said she wanna quit, wow mcm same je.....hahahaha......:]. Yeah but seriously I wanna quit just for my ex girlfriend, I will do anything to get her back. Look at the time it is 7pm so went back wif afiq and izah again but this time only izah go break as she work full. Afiq treat me and izah a mocha ice blend drink so we stay till 8pm and then we went home.
Story of 25 december 2008
over and currently waiting for xmas party.Today story really fuck up the whole singapore as I got my result.......woohoooo......I will become nurse but not suster nyesot. Today I and dafi went to yishun ITE for an interview in aerospace course and at that ITE so dirty sia. Dafi and I need to entered the auditorium to see some slide show and then bla. I waited for daffy interview for about 1+hr but then luckily I got my psp with me so I play it till daffy come back. His back so its time to go marina to makan and then proceed to penisula to buy some stuff. Reached Penisula suddenly like stress sia don't know what to buy but then end up buying a hoodie bag with a bargain price.(Hidafi you should learn from me). After buying all that stuff went to padang watch some soccer match. All the people who playing soccer at padang just now was so skillful and best sia. Move on to esplanade buy some ice cream and proceed to merlion park to lepak. Walk straight foward to the nearby lorong and take picture. Wow, so many people take picture at there sia so do me and dafi.....hahax. Move on to raffles place toilet and take picture again.....hahahaha.maut2. After that take train home and walk around Jurong point and home sweet home.
To Picqa:
If we are still together I think today is the day I will be bringing u out but then nk uat mcm ane kan. I hope next year you blajar rajen2 and dpt 1st in class k, I will always be there to give you my support.
~Ah pin~Labels: Start a new life with new vampires
@ 10:34 PM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Hey readers,
Yesterday, I need to work from morning till night. It was damn tiring and my knee still hurt cause of playing soccer the last 2 day. I hope that I will be recovering by this saturday as i promise my classmate to play soccer at fico sports hub. Meet up Tini and Venessa outside the store and not long Ziana come so we entered the store and get changing. I quickly get prepared my starcard form and the record sheet quickly so I can have my breakfast quickly. Not long my fellow friend comes so we start the morning briefing. Wth, I'm the only Toy marshall in the store and Ziana
( my boss ) asked me to called afiq to come but then pp8 low so use Haiqal hp to call. Not long Afiq come and Ziana look so angry.......hahahaha.......XD. Continue about the briefing and yeah ziana show us the new starcard so nice sia. She asked me to sell all 25 starcard by the end of the day so I say alright boss.....hahax.....:]. She also told us that there is a Xmas party soon so all of use get a gift.......wooohoooo......:]. In the party there will be and award for:
Best Manager:
Best supervisor:
Best male staff:
Best female staff:
Mr 4206:
Miss 4206:
Worst staff:Look at the time and it is 11am so open store and start with the cashier.....hahaha.....:]. All of the staff have no idea that the store will be pack by alot of customer. I and Tini have only 30 minutes to go to We ate quickly and went up do the cashier again. Finnally, there is less customer in the store so help venessa fix toy. Walauwei, Arif said that he wanna vote me as the Mr 4206 and Venessa as Miss 4206. I'm not Venessa bf k, It just that I help her only what. A few hours later went for second break and this time Junaina followed 2 as she wanna look at the police report regarding about Tini. I just ignored them and continue eating. Wtf, after break need to do re shop and clean up of store, tired sia. Lydia put me and arif to do the clean up at the learning area but then Arif ran away and I do alone. Wow, its my record for doing learning area alone sia. I shout at Arif and his answer is that he was busy, wtf right. I calm myself down and I asked him if my name was put in the Mr 4206 award and he said yes. Walauwei paisey sia later on Xmas party.
Zul asked all of us to meet inside the store room as he wanna give us money to take a taxi home. I, syafiq and Tini take a same cab home and I was the last person to hold on to the money. Reached home at about 2.15am and quickly bath and sleep.
~Ah Pin~
Labels: Vampire overtime
@ 5:26 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
My result.
Courses available for me.
Hey friends,
I'm back with my brand new blog. It was help by Muhammad Hidafi bin Yusoff, Thanks bro......:D. Today, woke up early in the morning as I need to help my mom to buy some stuff at the market. After buy all the thing that my mom asked, I quickly went home as it is too hot. Just reached home, Jamaludin msg me and asked if I'm free to join the rest to play soccer at bad court. I replied and said yes cause I'm not working so why not spend sometime with them. About 1.20pm I met up Jamaludin and Luqman but not long saw Hidafi and Ifah
(so sweet sey the both of them I hope I could be like them but then I already broke up). Reached bad court, kick some balls and while kicking it saw daffy like talk to ifah
( Wow, I feel like crying went i saw the both of them talking to each other as I remembered back my sweet memories wif picqa). I try to avoid them but then I can't so I act that my leg is cramp and I sat one side.
Not long Hafizan, Alfaiz, Faiz and Khairin come so we played a few match. As per normal I'm the best keeper as I only let in one goal in my net. The end of the game so get up and went to Rihyad block to buy some air batu. Saw Shahrul rafizi at the staircase so smile and walk away with that cold batu.......hahahaha......:]. Talk about Futsal wif my friends and we decided to buy another air batu. Tired already so went home in a different way. Reached home, bath, talk to my parent and now currently edit some crap at my blog. Walauwei leg cramp and some more my knee swollen as i accidentally hit Luqman leg while playing.
To Picqa>>>
U, I pass my N level and now is the time to move on to other school( I know u don't care about me but I still care about u and for that I wanna thank to you for giving me support before I start the paper). I got my result from Mdm Suziela and the first thing in my mind is that I wanna meet u up after this but then its over. I was so sad and dissapointed on myself for what I've done to you. I really sorry for not spending so much time wif you like any other boyfriend do but I try to work to get my own money to go out wif you. I try to make it right but you did not give me anytime for that and you have made ur decision for a break up. It's over and really broke my heart.......Its really over and I hope she will be back wif me again......:(.Fifi and Picqa
07/02/2008 - 18/12/2008
10 month and 11 days of loving ended in a hardful waybye2Labels: Ended in a hardful way
@ 7:57 PM